FUSE Society is a federally registered, youth-led non-profit that exists to bridge the gap between academia and the real world. Founded in 2016 by two Vancouver high-school students, FUSE promotes business literacy by distributing free, case-based learning tools to high school business classes. We are an organization that branches across 3 provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. Boasting members from over 15 schools, we have engaged over 400 students to date at our case competitions and events and are rapidly expanding.
Achievements & Highlights
Western National President's Scholar
Current Summer Analyst at PepsiCo
Former President of the Pre-Business Students Network (PBSN)
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Sunny Wang, Panelist
Sunny is a student at Western University. She recently completed her second year in History, and was very involved in the business community during her time at Western. As someone who cherishes her undergrad experience, she is always happy to answer questions or offer advice to incoming business students.
Achievements & Highlights
Pro-Bono Strategy Consultant
Technology Advisory Intern at EY
Released first ever digital financial literacy report with FuturFund
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Vivian Xia, Breakout
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Achievements & Highlights
National TD Scholar & McGill Prestige Scholar
Corporate Lending Intern at TD Securities
Chief Executive Officer of PennyDrops
Founder & Board Member at Hot Potato Initiative Foundation
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Ivan Chiang, Panelist
Ivan is entering his third year at McGill, studying Strategic Management and Computer Science. Passionate about social impact, the current question he’s trying to answer is “What roles should the public, private, and social sectors play in driving change?” In his free time, Ivan binges The Good Fight and attempts to cook.
Achievements & Highlights
Former first year rep
Intern at Fidelity Investments
Placed first at McGill Case League
Best speaker DMLS & Fashion Spectrum
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Sarah Wang, Breakout
Sarah is studying Finance at McGill, where she’s just completed her second year. During high school she developed an interest in case, which ultimately led her to pursue business. She hopes to work in either asset management or consulting, and loves reading, baking, and obsessing over her Animal Crossing residents.
Erica Zeng
Achievements & Highlights
UBC Presidential Scholar & Peter Mansbridge Positive Impact Award Recipient
Digital Marketing Intern at bazinga! Technologies
First Place Team at Deloitte Digital Design Thinking Competition
Co-Chair, Board of Directors at Hot Potato Initiative Foundation
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Alice Ko, Panelist
Alice is a second year BCom student at the University of British Columbia. Just having finished up her first year at Sauder, she's happy to share her experiences and speak about her intended specialization in Marketing and Accounting. In her spare time, she enjoys doing ballet and discovering her passion for social entrepreneurship.
Achievements & Highlights
Presidential Scholars Award
Summer Analyst at KPMG
1st Place at JDC West
Chair of the National Strategy Consulting Competition
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Kevin Nan, Breakout
Kevin Nan is a fourth-year student at the UBC Sauder School of Business, completing a double specialization in Accounting and Operations & Logistics, with a minor in Economics. He has taken on many leadership opportunities on campus, and is currently completing his second internship with KPMG in the Vancouver office. In his spare time, Kevin enjoys fantasy baseball, cold brew, and hotel/airline status systems.
Achievements & Highlights
Founder, Youth Nation Alliance
National TD Scholar
Data Strategy Intern, Office of the Chief Data Officer, TD
Previously RC Competition Team, Case Competitor
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Hayden Cheung, Panelist
Hayden is an incoming third-year student currently pursuing his BComm at the University of Toronto’s Rotman Commerce. Passionate about giving back, he serves as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at RC’s Pride Alliance and volunteers with the recruitment and admissions office. This summer, Hayden is an intern in the data strategy and analytics practice in the Global Office of the Chief Data Officer at TD.
Achievements & Highlights
Recipient of RBC Capital Markets Diversity Scholarship
Equity Research Intern at RBC Capital Markets
Captain of the Rotman Commerce Case Competition Team
Placed first at Creative Shock Case Competition
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Erin Jia​, Breakout
Erin is entering her fourth year at the University of Toronto, where she studies Finance and Economics. As Captain of the Rotman Commerce Competition Team, she strives to apply her business knowledge to international case competitions. Her passion for the public markets led her to intern in the Global Markets Program at RBC Capital Markets. In her free time, she enjoys doing yoga and watching re-runs of Suits.​
Achievements & Highlights
Competitor on the Queen’s Case Competition Union, the university’s official case competition team
Speaker of the Assembly for the Queen’s Commerce Society
Current Summer Analyst at Birch Hill Equity Partners
Former DECA Ontario Provincial Executive Officer
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Bill Le, Panelist
Bill’s a Commerce student at Queen’s University, where he recently completed his first year. He is dedicated to life-long learning and is always curious about new ideas to pique his interest. Bill is always more than happy to answer any questions and provide advice to prospective and incoming Commerce students!
Achievements & Highlights
Competitor on the Queen’s Case Competition Union; competed in Montreal and Thailand
Served as a Student Trustee for the Peel District School Board
Served as VP of Public Board Councils at the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association
Outdoor & travel enthusiast; hiked Victoria Peak in Hong Kong
Maggie Xia, Panelist
| Specialization
Vivian is entering her fourth year as an HBA2 student at the Ivey School of Business and she completed her first two years in the Medical Sciences program. She strives to be a lifelong learner and is impact-driven, and she is excited to explore how technology can shape the fields of healthcare and business. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, and playing volleyball!
Carolyn Mahr​, Breakout
Carolyn is an incoming third year Commerce student at Queen’s University. She is currently a Product Marketing Manager Intern at Microsoft and is passionate about technology and education. In her free time, Carolyn loves going to concerts, gardening and is currently learning how to drum.​